But I've just got to get my gloat on very briefly - one of my stories currently has the highest rating of the sci-fi/fantasy category. It might not stay that way once it gets more than 6 reviews, but I'm chuffed nonetheless...
The infrequently sober rantings of the aerosol measurement monkey at the UK National Centre of Atmospheric Science, based at the University of Manchester. Views expressed here are purely my own and not those of NCAS, the University, NERC or anyone else of any importance.
Mr Bush stressed that combating climate change should not damage the economy.i.e. "I'm going to lose weight but I'm not giving up my cream cakes."
"We must do it in a way that does not undermine economic growth or prevent nations from delivering greater prosperity for their people," he said.
And he again hinted that the US would not commit itself to mandatory CO2 cuts."I'm going to lose weight, I've bought the books and the treadmill, just let me do it in my own time."
"By setting this goal, we acknowledge there is a problem. And by setting this goal, we commit ourselves to doing something about it," Mr Bush said.
"Each nation must decide for itself the right mix of tools and technology to achieve results that are measurable and environmentally effective," Mr Bush told delegates in Washington."I'm not going to hassle you, so you don't hassle me. We can all do this without Weight Watchers meetings or weigh-ins or anything."
Rod Smallwood, Iron Maiden's Manager, further commented; "Following Bruce's various hints from on stage this last year about our plans for 2008 ("We are taking some time off to build some pyramids!"), fans have been pestering me for details of the tour and especially asking which songs from that era will be played. That may be as easy as a run in the hills but we will keep our aces close to our chest on this issue. I know it would only take a couple of minutes but at this stage of planning, I'd have to be clairvoyant to know what they will do. I'm sure though it will be no revelation for you that we intend to make up for those wasted years by visiting a large number of hallowed metal venues around the world. Historically 'Powerslave' was an incredibly important album for the band and it would be madness if we didn't give the fans a taste of the full on Iron Maiden show from that time. With our jumbo there really is no rime nor reason why the band cannot now visit fans almost everywhere as many have been real troopers to have waited this long. Heaven only knows what the band will choose but if l could and did tell you now l would have to shoot you! You'll all have to be patient and see. But it will be spectacular. No fear!!"Most Maiden fans should be able to pull the batting order out of that. Depending on how much imagination you have, I counted maybe 12 or 14 references but I probably missed a couple. I hope the last bit means FOTD will be played, given that it isn't technically 80s but is awesome anyway. Anyway, I will have to catch them somewhere, ideally Wacken but anywhere would suffice.