Tuesday 3 July 2007

This paper is taking ages...

Yippee! My first ever blog. So what do I say?

How about talking about my Puerto Rico paper? A project I did back in December 2004, designed to study the effect of organic aerosols on clouds in tropical marine environments? What do you do when all the gear arrives late and you only get two weeks' worth of data (about half of what was planned)? And what happens when you don't get any organic aerosols?

The paper is almost ready to go into ACP, but not quite. Bouncing back and forth between me and Darrel. So close I can almost taste it. But not quite. It's not that there isn't a story or some decent science there, it's just that we were hoping to be able to say something more headline-grabbing. Plus we're going to annoy everyone who has been saying the organics are important for the last ten years.

Ah well, better get back to it I suppose. My future posts will be more interesting I imagine. This was only really a test.

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